Representing the Minnesota Kali Group since 1997 - Jeet Kune Do, Kali, Escrima, Muay Thai, Brazilian JiuJitsu, Savate, Silat, Archery & Yoga
Since 2000, Sage Arts Studio has held regular Chess nights for our students, with more than a few of our students getting into Go, Shogi and other Chess variants. This is a great way to spend time with friends.
It is our firm belief that mental exercises such as Chess help to promote a learning and foster logic and concentration. In this spirit, we have launched a new section on our site for our students.
The games we list here are some of our favorites, found elsewhere on the web. These games require a great deal of thought and help to sharpen one's concentration, exercise logic and refine problem solving abilities, traits which are essential for development in the Martial Arts. Besides that, they are fun!
We hope that students will frequent this part of our site, as we intend to add other games as we find them. Each link will open the particular game in a new window, along with a description, and a little background on the game designers and instructions.
To play these games you will need the latest Flash Player. If you don't have this, or if you have an earlier version, you may not be able to see or play the game.Click on this link to download the Flash Player from Macromedia.
In addition to Chess, there are an amazing number of games that are based on Variations of Chess rules. Below are links to some of the more interesting versions we've found. Each link will take you to another site, where a Java applet-based version of the game is available.
Shogi - Japanese Chess, including unique pieces and an interesting drop rule.
Shogi Tutorial - Learn to play the game of Japanese Chess.
Mini Shogi - A faster pace version of Shogi, takes place on a smaller board.
Chessgi - Regular Chess pieces with some of the rules used in Shogi
Malestrom Chess - This board uses extra pieces, beginning with every square filled.
Unachess - Start with an empty board, add your units when and where you choose.
Unachess II - Same as above, but the landing units may not check.
Scotch Chess - Moving more than once, the number of moves increases on each turn.
Russian Stacking Chess - Revival of a classic Russian variant. Stack units rather than capturing.
Chess Variants Home Page - Many, many other versions of this game are available here.
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at 4300 West Forest Home Avenue
in Milwaukee, WI 53219. Visitors are always welcome. Call today
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